Aquaman | Casting Choices

Aquaman is a superhero under the DC Comics franchise, created by Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger, debutting in 1941. His real name is Arthur Curry and he’s usually depicted as the king of Atlantis and a founding member of the Justice League.

Aquaman unfortunately has been thought of as being the joke of the DC Comics’ roster. However, despite the 2017 Justice League film’s “failure”, Aquaman was one of the highlights. Jason Momoa has definitely brought the character to light and given him personality.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau belongs on this list because he’s had experience playing royalty. His most prominent role is Sir Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones. However, his acting career has stretch over a lot of film and television and over a number of genres. I think Nikolaj could bring a pretty edgy but deep Aquaman to the screen. He can definitely portray a brooding, battle hardened Aquaman.

Aquaman can be a strong and commanding presence, especially with his brooding attitude. Ryan Gosling has the chops. Not only does he have an extensive career but he has a wide range of acting talent. He definitely has the star power to help elevate the character. I wasn’t a fan of the guy until I saw him in a couple of films: The Nice Guys, Blade Runner 2049, Fracture; all films I really enjoyed. Gosling could play the version from the Throne of Atlantis animated film.

If anyone has ever watched the tv show Bitten, you’ll definitely know Greyston Holt. He provides the muscle for his pack and has a strong presence onscreen. Why would he make a good Aquaman? Holt could be the brutal Aquaman who doesn’t trust the surface world and is willing to wage war in order to protect his own. The Aquaman that commands his armies with an iron fist, who does not bow to any law set by man. Also, he has the physical build of the character as well as the piercing eyes.

Gerard Butler who make a great Aquaman. He’s known for playing these very masculine, very commanding, very strong male characters. One role in particular makes him ideal for the role and that is of course his role as King Leonidas from the 300 film. That awesome energy can be channeled to a very skilled and charismatic Aquaman. It would be interesting to see Butler with blond hair.

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