Halo: Combat Evolved follows a cybernetically enhanced super soldier named Master Chief, and his AI companion, Cortana, in a war between humanity and alliance of aliens, the Covenant, as the two-lead humanity to uncover the secrets of Halo, a ring-shaped artificial world.
Of course, we’re utilizing our 5-to-1 system, five being the best and one being the worst. These weapons are ranked based on their effectiveness, their design, and how brutal they are in combat.
Check Out the Armory
5-Star Ranking – Explosive Ordnance
- Shotgun
- Sniper Rifle
- Needler
4-Star Ranking – High Calibur
- M19 SSM Rocker Launcher
- Assault Rifle
- Plasma Rifle
- Fuel Rod
- Plasma Grenade
- Frag Grenade
3-Star Ranking – Gun to a Knife Fight
- Pistol
- Plasma Pistol
2-Star Ranking – Poor Performance
- n/a
1-Star Ranking – Total Crap
- n/a
Thanks for checking out the post and in the comment section let us know how you’d rank these.
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