Top 10 Zombie Video Games

We’re talking about games where zombies have begun their assault among the living.

10. Resident Evil 2 Remake

Takes everything good about the original sequel and amps it up to an eleven. Everything from the realism to the music and deep sound design make this an experience to remember. Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield come to Raccoon City only to discover that city has fallen into chaos as viscous monsters and flesh eating zombies as well as other threats lurk around every corner.

9. Left 4 Dead (2008)

It takes a team work to survive in the zombie apocalypse and this game is a prime example of it. It’s fun, challenging, and a great experience if you have three friends who’ll brave the horrors of the world. Not only do you have to deal with mutants but when the zombies come they come with the thunder.

8. Resident Evil (1996)

The game that practically started the zombies genre of video games. Follow STARS members as they investigate the disappearance of other members in the Arklay Mountains. But what they discover thrust them into a world of madness as they struggle to survive a virus that turns people into flesh eating zombies and used for creating horrifying creatures.

7. How to Survive (2013)

This game truly teaches you how to survive in a zombie apocalypse. Not only do you have to consider the elements but you have keep up your health while dealing with the zombies.

6. Deadlight

A great 2D platformer that has a rich world with great level designs, a good story, and simple gameplay mechanics makes for a great experience.

5. Dead Island (2011)

Stuck on a island with the only thing standing between you and escape is a horde of zombies and other survivors. It’s a great game that shows players not to underestimate even the most nonthreatening zombies. A vast world with great crafting mechanics, tons of exploration, interesting characters, and an unique story.

Also featured in:

4. The Walking Dead: Season Two (2013)

Continuing the story of Clementine, players follow her are she struggles to survive in an relentless world. Dealing with dwindling supplies, the forces of nature, zombies around every corner, and other survivors who pose as much a threat. The story continues to be compelling introducing us to new characters and even bringing back a familiar face or two.

3. Plants vs. Zombies (2009)

Takes the concept of zombies and makes it completely fun. Here you are, attempting to protect your home from a horde of zombies using a variety of flowers and fungi with varying abilities at your disposal. It’s fun, it’s creative, it has a lot of replay value and with the various modes makes it memorable.

2. Resident Evil 4 (2005)

Although it does deviate from the traditional zombie type, it still has zombie-like creatures in the form of the Ganados. The fourth installment has so much going for it. The story’s good, it has a dark atmosphere, there’s a good amount of action, the characters are interesting.

1. The Walking Dead (2012)

A heart-warming story that follows the efforts of survivors Lee Everett and Clementine as they struggle to survive in a world overrun by zombies and other threats. It’s a thrilling story with memorable characters and scenarios but it’s the relationship between the two makes the story so compelling.

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