Black Lightning (Season 1) | NarikChase Review

Black Lightning (Season 1) follows high school principal Jefferson Pierce, who retired from his superhero persona Black Lightning nine years ago after seeing the effects it had on his family, is forced to become a vigilante again when the rise of the local gang called the 100 leads to increased crime and corruption in his community of Freeland.

The performances are pretty solid. Cress Williams as Black Lightning is actually a really good cast. He does a great job with the character and his struggles with being a superheroes, being a principal, being this strong symbol for the community, and being a father. I think Williams does a great job of giving a lot of depth to his character. DC Comics has done a great job with establishing this character and I think Black Lightning can be DC Comics challenge to Marvel’s Luke Cage.  I didn’t really like the Black Lightning outfit because it felt a little too bulky and less tactical. Even with the goggles, there could’ve better headgear for the character because it’s so obvious it’s him.

Williams’ supporting cast is actually pretty good. Really enjoyed the family and their dynamic as it evolves.  His family consist of his wife/ex-wife Lynn Stewart, their daughters Anissa and Jennifer, and long time friend of the family, Gambi. Anissa’s development is something of an interesting storyline. After a situation in which she and her sister are nearly killed, she develops superpowers of her own, being able to increase her density by her breathing and emotions.  I will say her wanting to be a superhero was a little bit rushed and could’ve been worked out better.  Jennifer was an interesting character, I really liked her.  I was on the fence about Lynn but her character grew on me and I even grew to appreciate her side of the argument.  Gambi was a great character.  I was worried that he’d be overplayed but he was good.

Also, the antagonists are pretty thin in terms of depth and damn it if they don’t feel overcrowded.  Lala is the first main antagonist and Lord is he a stereotypical, flat character.  Nothing memorable about him in the least.  Even his resurgence in the later part of the series is forced.  Tobias Whale is probably the most interesting out the bunch.  He seems like a potential badass kingpin and even will get his hands dirty but he does seem overly preachy with little personality. Martin Proctor is the leader of A.S.A. and he’s just as cardboard as they come.  Nothing memorable about the character. Lady Eve is the one antagonist I would’ve loved to see more of.  She was interesting, had personality, had presence and then she just dies out of nowhere.  The one interesting bad guy they kill for no reason.  Another great villain is Tobias’ henchwoman Syonide.  She was pretty cool.  Wished she had more to do.  Tori Whale is another antagonist I wished would’ve had more to do.  She just shows up, says one or two things, and then gets shot.  Wow.

The season follows Black Lightning who comes out of retirement to fight crime and corruption after his family comes in danger.  The story is what you’d expect of a pro-black series.  One of the biggest problems of season one is how hard they lay down the underlining messages. From the first scene the message of black oppression and racism is put on pretty thick. Much of the undertones such as racism, stereotypes, colorism, feminism, corrupt cops, etc. are just thrown in your face instead of being more subtle. Even how the show addresses black empowerment and progression is a little too bluntly. There’s even how strongly they put some of the SJW stuff in. Anissa being gay is something completely out of left field and does reinforce the colorism aspect. All the cops seem to be assholes for no reason other than being assholes.

The Verdict: In the end, Black Lightning (Season 1) is a pretty good step in the right direction for introducing this character to the world.  Yes, the season has its share of issues, especially when it comes to it overabundance of antagonists and how hard they focus on the underlining themes.  However, it’s a pretty good season.  Black Lightning (Season 1) gets 3 out of 5.

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