Supergirl (Season 2) | NarikChase Review

Season 2 follows Supergirl and her allies dealing with tensions rising between humanity and the extraterrestrial community.  Threats arise in the form of the shadowy organization Project Cadmus masterminded by Lillian Luthor, mother of Lex Luthor, and also survivors of Krypton’s neighboring planet Daxam.

Like the first season, the casting and performances are just solid.  I really enjoyed Benoist as Kara.  She’s great and she definitely fits into the role. Winn is great, Alex is great, Hank is great.  I was very sorry to see Cat Grant being pushed into the background to allow more screen time for two new additions, police detective Maggie Sawyer, and CEO of L-Corp Lena Luthor. In terms of female empowerment and as characters both are lacking in personality and presence.  Maggie doesn’t do anything throughout the entire series and the fact that she knows that aliens exist is utter bullshit.  Lena has even less presence. Jimmy still has yet to form anything worth calling a storyline.  For some reason, he becomes a vigilante named Guardian. He’s still a tacked on character with no substance.  I like that Superman, played by Tyler Hoechlin, is much more prominent in season two.  He’s awesome, and it’s great seeing him interact with the other characters.

Two of the newest additions to the series were Daxamite Mon-El and White Martian M’gann M’orzz who are each great characters and brought great depth to the series.  Mon-El is the former prince of Krypton’s neighboring planet Daxam.  Him getting use to Earth’s customs was humorous while his developing arc with Kara was really compelling.  The conclusion to their story was extremely sad.  M’gann’s a White Martain whose past she’s trying to forget.  Her race destroyed J’onn’s and their developing arc is as significant and compelling as Kara and Mon-El’s.  I really enjoyed seeing J’onn’s learning to accept and forgive M’gann which was a pretty moving moment.

The series has two main antagonists, the queen of the Daxamites Rhea and the leader of Cadmus as well as Lena and Lex’s mother Lillian. Let’s talk about Lillian first.  She’s got motivation, she’s got the smarts, she’s got the resources, she just doesn’t have much presence.  And she’s utterly forgettable.  Rhea, on the other hand, who’s played by Teri Hatcher, is a much more interesting and entertaining villain.  She’s manipulative, cruel, and has a crap ton more personality than Lillian.  Another thing, why the hell did they say the robot Henshaw was Cyborg Superman.  That’s dumb.  They could’ve used an actual Clark replica.

Like the first season, the writers do a horrible job of rushing some of the side stories.  The most prominent one being the discovery of Jeremiah and his betrayal to our heroes.  That could’ve been a story that unfolded over the course of the season and not in one episode.  This also worked to hurt the character of Jeremiah (played by Lois & Clark‘s Dean Cain) as he isn’t fully fleshed out.  Love the cameo by Wonder Woman‘s Linda Carter.

The season continues with the themes of female empowerment, gender equality, and this time lesbianism.  The whole story between Alex and Maggie freaking sucks.  Look, I don’t care that lesbians are in the show.  But when  you throw it in there just to satisfy sjws and not because of not making great stories, then it’s a problem.  Alex having this attraction to Maggie and is all of a sudden gay is just forced with no real substance. Especially since Maggie isn’t an interesting character to begin with.  Also, they’re pushing this women are better than men narrative that I find annoying.  It was one thing when Maxwell Lord stood as a major antagonist among the female antagonists.  But this go around all the major players are women.  Even if you look at how they handle Supergirl and Mon-El.  She’s stronger than him and the show makes sure to constantly remind you that she’s stronger than him. The president is a woman.  It’s like damn, can’t we have strong male characters too?

I did have a gripe with how they handled Superman again, making him succumb to mind control again in the season finale.  The writers act like they can’t just have him and Supergirl work together to save the world and not just have Supergirl do it herself or with the help of others.  And as much as I loved the fight, an unrestrained Superman should not have lost to Supergirl in a test of physical power.  Now, I’m not saying she shouldn’t have beaten him but just in a physical fight where he’s going at 100% with no restraint.  No, no she shouldn’t have beat him.

The Verdict: In the end, Supergirl Season 2 is actually pretty good despite the many problems I had with it.  I love the introduction of some of the new characters M’gann, Superman, and Mon-El.  I sincerely hope that characters Lena, Maggie, and James just have more depth for the next season.  Supergirl Season 2 gets 3 out of 5.


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