Top 10 X-Men Cinematic Universe Characters (And Top 10 Worst)

The X-Men franchise has its share of ups and downs, one element being the characters. There are a lot of great characters but there are a lot who miss the mark.

(1) Logan/Wolverine (Best)

There’s literally no one who owns the role of any of these more than Hugh Jackman. Jackman gives the character edge, can showcase the character’s raw power and rage, but gives the character depth outside of being a killing machine.

Film(s): X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand, The Wolverine, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Logan, X-Men: Days of Future Past

(2) Ororo Munroe/Storm (Worst)

Storm is an excellent character in the comics and it isn’t necessarily Halle Berry’s miscasting that’s bad. Storm is one of the many characters in the series who’s just underutilized. She has few good moments, no real character development, and really no interesting bits to add to the plots.

Film(s): X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men: Days of Future Past

(3) Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Best)

Fans didn’t like Ryan Reynolds’ first interpretation of the character but when his second try came out in the 2016 film. Wade was everything that makes Reynolds such a great comedic actor and he’s definitely in his element. Funny yet dangerous, serious yet goofy. And with the sequel he just got better.

Film(s): Deadpool, Deadpool 2

(4) Anna Marie/Rogue (Worst)

This is another one of those it isn’t particularly the performer instances. Anna Paquin doesn’t do a bad job, in fact, she’s actually pretty good. However, beyond the first film and possibly the second, she doesn’t do much of anything or get a good moment. It’s not bad that she’s a different interpretation but that she’s basically useless.

Film(s): X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men: Days of Future Past

(5) Remy Lebeau/Gambit (Best)

One of the best aspects of the X-Men Origins: Wolverine film was indeed Gambit. Despite the small moments he has, he manages to be quite a important and interesting character. I know little of Taylor Kitsch’s filmography but I have to say I really enjoyed his performance as the character.

Film(s): X-Men Origins: Wolverine

(6) Callisto (Worst)

The leader of the Morlocks appeared in the third installment of the X-Men films and boy was she on the fence for me. On one side, she was sexy as hell (portrayed by the sexy Dania Ramirez Callisto) and had some pretty badass fights. However, on the other side of things, she was hardly Callisto. The movie offered little to her story, gave no motivation, nor did we see an actual leadership role in the character.

Film(s): X-Men: The Last Stand

(7) Toad (Best)

If a film can make an obscure character awesome than it is a major thumbs up in my book. Compared to the heroes, the villains of the film were more memorable. But perhaps the most interesting of the bunch is Toad who proved to have personality and was pretty awesome. Who knew you could do so much with a really long tongue. Thumbs up to Ray Park.

Film(s): X-Men

Also featured in:

(8) Scott Summers/Cyclops (Worst)

There’s perhaps no one more misrepresented in the X-Men films than Cyclops. Cyclops, as a major character in the comics, has absolutely nothing to do in the films. The first film he’s Logan’s rival, the second film he does a bit more but not much, and in the third film he dies at the beginning of the movie. No strong leader to pull his family, friends, and teammates to victory.

Film(s): X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men: Days of Future Past

(9) En Sabah Nur/Apocalypse (Best)

Despite how spotty the X-Men: Apocalypse film is, I actually liked Oscar Isaac’s performance. He did a fantastic job with the role of the film’s main antagonist. He was powerful, threatening, charismatic, he did a lot of cool shit. The only issue I had with the character was the lack of evolution and backstory.

Film(s): X-Men: Apocalypse

Also featured in:

(10) Elizabeth Braddock/Psylocke (Worst)

No one can argue that Olivia Munn was perfectly cast as the mutant assassin. Not only does she look the role but a major thumbs up to the makeup and clothing designers as well. The biggest problem with the character unfortunately is the lack of personality, lack of motivation, and lack of backstory. She did some cool shit in the movie but wasn’t given anything meaningful to do.

Film(s): X-Men: Apocalypse

(11) Charles Xavier/Professor X (Best)

Patrick Stewart owns the freaking role of Xavier. Stewart brings a well seasoned aura to character, capturing both the wisdom and intelligence of the character as well as his capacity for compassion. Whether he’s engaging in political and humanitarian debates with Magneto or teaching his students life lessons, he definitely commands his scenes with skill.

Film(s): X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand, Logan, X-Men: Days of Future Past

(12) Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Worst)

The first incarnation of Deadpool on the big screen was met with almost “worldwide” hatred. Ryan Reynolds has the charm and humor of the character in the initial part of the film but it’s the final climax that pissed fans off. I’m not such a fan that I don’t see what they were trying to do in the movie (which I thought was an alright idea) but I understand the backlash. A bald man with his mouth shewn shut, laser beams coming out his eyes, and swords protruding from his arms isn’t exactly Deadpool.

Film(s): X-Men Origins: Wolverine

(13) Yuriko Oyama/Lady Deathstrike (Best)

Never gave a crap about this character in the comics, especially how dumb the overall design was. However, when Kelly Hu is on the screen she makes Yuriko sexy as hell but extremely badass. This is definitely one of those characters who came out better redesigned.

Film(s): X2: X-Men United

Also featured in:

(14) Emma Frost (Worst)

Like a lot of these characters, Emma falls into that category of poorly utilized characters. Of all of Shaw’s entourage, Emma does nothing memorable in the film only really coming off as eye candy. And nothing against January Jones but she didn’t give the best performance either.

Film(s): X-Men: First Class

(15) Domino (Best)

One of the best elements of the Deadpool sequel, Domino was just an awesome character all around. Zazie Beetz just brought an awesome charm to the character. Not to mention, with all of Deadpool’s shenanigans and Cable’s path of vengeance it was great seeing such a grounded, yet sarcastic character. And not only is she extremely sexy but the use of her abilities was demonstrated beautifully.

Film(s): Deadpool 2

(16) Bishop (Worst)

Bishop was a major disappointment and for him to be based on such a badass character is just criminal. Days of Future Past had a ton of stuff going for it but Bishop wasn’t one of them. He was poorly designed, really didn’t do anything, and Omar Sy really didn’t get the chance to show the character’s personality.

Film(s): X-Men: Days of Future Past

(17) Sebastian Shaw (Best)

One of the best villains of the franchise, Shaw proved to be a smart, cunning, manipulative, and charismatic antagonist. Not only is the character written so well but Kevin Bacon’s delivery was nothing short of brilliant. Not to mention he displayed some pretty cool capabilities.

Film(s): X-Men: First Class

(18) Jubilation Lee (Worst)

Jubilee didn’t really have a chance. And isn’t because she’s a bad character or a bad actress. It’s because the films try to cram as many characters as they can without giving them much to do. But to Jubilee’s credit, Lana Condor did a good job.

Film(s): X-Men: Apocalypse

(19) Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto (Best)

We have another acting veteran on the scene and Ian McKellen does a fantastic job as the leader of the Brotherhood. He’s charismatic and has a aristocratic feel to the character that gives him a commanding presence. Not to mention his suit looks absolutely badass.

Film(s): X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men: Days of Future Past

Also featured in:

(20) Elizabeth Braddock/Psylocke (Worst)

The Last Stand did a lot of things wrong and introducing a bunch of mutants with no purpose is one of them. We get to see a Psylocke for like a minute in a meeting and that’s all you get. Why was she even in the damn movie?

Films: X-Men: The Last Stand

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