Ranking Movie with Megan Purvis

Megan Purvis is a British actress who’s been heavily featured in a lot of British B Movies. She’s shown herself to be a very diverse actress featured in a lot of horror films but has the talent to act dramatically as well. We’re basing these rankings based on entertainment rather than quality.

In this ranker, we’re only including films in which Purvis is either a main character or having a strong supporting role. We’re using out favorite 5-to-1 ranking system in which five is the best and one is the worst. Also, this ranker will be updated accordingly.

5-Star Ranking – Best of the Best

  • Medusa: Beauty is the Beast (2020) – After being bitten by a snake a young lady’s life begins to take a sharp turn for the worst as a deadly virus plagues her body.

4-Star Ranking – Top 10 Worthy

  • Hatched (2021) – Something has been discovered, and this time, a city is under attack by a fast growing T-Rex.
  • Cannibal Troll (2021) – A group of female friends on a hen weekend in the countryside find themselves hunted by a beastly – and very hungry – troll.

3-Star Ranking – Entertaining Watch

  • The Area 51 Incident (2022) – An outbreak occurs in the infamous Area 51 leading a group of survivors to an underground bunker… only to learn… they are not alone.
  • Conjuring the Genie (2021) – A young lady unleashes a demonic Genie from an amulet.
  • Bats (2021) – A small group come back to their family home to discover a radiated bat living in their attic. The family must survive the night to escape, but the monster has other plans.

2-Star Ranking – Could’ve Been Better

  • It Came from Below (2021) – A group of friends find themselves hunted down in the caves by a creature… from another world.
  • The Mutation (2021) – A mutated rat has been let loose in a city.
  • Rise of the Mummy (2021) – A group of archaeology students awaken an ancient mummy. After being trapped in a time loop, the only way they can escape, is to defeat the mummy.
  • Th’dread Rattlin’ (2018) – University students investigate a noise phenomenon in haunted woods known as ‘th’rattlin’.

1-Star Ranking – Total Garbage

  • NA

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