Superman is a superhero published by DC Comics. Created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, and debuted in the comic book Action Comics #1, Superman was born on the fictional planet Krypton adopted by farmers Jonathan and Martha Kent, who named him Clark Kent. To protect his personal life, he changes into a colorful costume and uses the alias “Superman” when fighting crime. Clark resides in the fictional American city of Metropolis, where he works as a journalist for the Daily Planet.
As with our formula we’re using the ranker scale from 1 to 5 in which 5 is the best and 1 is the worst. Note: this post will be updated accordingly.
5-Star Ranking – Best of the Best
- The Death of Superman
4-Star Ranking – Top 10 Worthy
- All-Star Superman
- Superman: American Alien
3-Star Ranking – Good Entertainment
- n/a
2-Star Ranking – Could’ve Been Better
- Superman & Savage Dragon: Metropolis
1-Star Ranking – Total Garbage
- n/a
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