One Piece Volume 4 | NarikChase Review

Title: One Piece Vol.4

Story and Art by: Eiichiro Oda

Chapters 27 – 35

Volume 4 begins with Usopp attempting to warn the villagers and Kaya of the pirates and Klahadore’s treachery, however his previous antics have the villagers unconvinced and pissed.  The guards show up to escort him from the estate and we get a pretty impressive display of his marskmen skills with a slingshot.  Of course, this makes him look bad but he manages to escape (which is weird because they were escorting out anyway). Despite him being alone he decides to take on the pirates himself and of course, the Straw Hat crew join him.

Back at the mansion, Klahadore shows his true colors and injures the other butler, Merry with a set of deadly blades.  Come morning, the Straw Hat crew is ready for battle but aren’t at the right location.  However, Usopp (looking badass in the process) manages to confront the pirates before they can attack the village, which is funny as hell because Luffy ran in the wrong direction and Nami raced after her some treasure.  Nami appears first, and the two take on the pirates but are saved when Luffy and Zolo appear. Love how Zolo is fussing with Nami over her leaving him in a quagmire and Luffy fussing at Usopp for not knowing which way is north.

Django hypnotizes his pirates to be more vicious but unfortunately ends up hypnotizing Luffy a second time.  Luffy pulls off one of his ultimate attacks, the Gum Gum Gatlin Gun attack which incapacitates most of the pirates.  In a rage he then proceeds to tear off the stempost of the ship but is put to sleep by Django.  Back at the mansion, Kaya has a nightmare of Usopp about to do some crazy stuff, when she awakens and finds a wounded Merry.  Merry discloses Klahadores’ plans revealing Usopp was telling the truth.  Despite her illness, she proceeds to the battlefield to reason with Klahadore/Kuro.

Back on the battlefield, Kuro’s ship guards, the Meowban Brothers, Butchie and Siam (really like their obscure cat theme designs).  Siam feigns idiocy towards Zolo, attacking him at the last moment and stealing two of Zolo’s swords.  Butchie makes a quip about Siam being a cat burglar.  Zolo attempts to retrieve his swords and is jumped by the two pirates.  Their Pussy-Willow March attack is badass and pretty has both of them swiping at Zolo really fast and really precise, which Zolo manages to hold his own.  It’s a great fight, brutal and vicious, but despite Zolo’s disadvantage (which he’s mastered a three sword technique and not one) he holds his own.  Usopp and Nami’s attempts to help him fail.

Kuro appears on the scene pissed as hell.  Siam and Butchie attempt a mutiny but learn that Kuro doesn’t play and that he’s about that life.  Dude looks boss when he comes up behind them and puts his arms around both their necks. Granting his Black Cat pirates five minutes to kill the good guys or he’ll kill everyone, they contniue their assault.  However, Nami manages to give Zolo his swords and he easily defeats the two with his Tiger Hunt attack. Django hypnotizes Butchie and tries to kill Nami but she manages to wake Luffy.

Kaya appears trying to appeal to Kuro who rejects her offer.  She attempts to shoot him but finds that she can’t.  However, Luffy knocks the hell out of him to the shock of everyone.  Onion, Carrot, and Pepper appear out of nowhere and jump Kuro.  Kuro recovers and attacks Usopp, before confronting Luffy.  The volume ends with Django pursuing Kaya and the Usopp Pirates, Zolo taking on a rage filled Butchie, and Kuro declaring a challenge to Luffy.

The Verdict: In the end, One Piece Vol.4 is just great with a story arc that keeps building and building.  Kuro is badass and has shown some interesting abilities and I can’t wait to see the battle with Luffy.  One Piece Vol.4 gets 5 out of 5.


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