Hush is a 2016 psychological horror thriller film directed by Mike Flanagan, starring John Gallagher Jr., Michael Trucco, Samantha Sloyan, and Kate Siegel. The film follows a deaf writer who retreats into the woods to live a life of solitude when she is targeted by a masked killer.
The film follows a deaf writer who retreats into the woods to live a solitary life must fight for her life in silence when a masked killer appears in her window. The story is simple but follows Maddie as she plays this cat-and-mouse game Maddie’s inability to hear does give the film an unique flare. The film does build to a great climax and ends with a satisfactory ending. (4 out of 5)
Maddie is a pretty damn likable character and it isn’t just because she’s a deaf and a mute. She has many likable qualities such as a good personality, We get a little exposition on her character where she’s also dealing with heartbreak. The killer is just as great as our main protagonist Maddie. The story reveals nothing about the killer of course, but what’s so prominent is just how much personality he has. The scene with Maddie’s first encounter with the killer shows just how interesting the character is. Playing the cat-and-mouse does make him look really cool. Other home invasion movies lack an interesting antagonist but Gallagher does a great job. John and Sarah don’t get much time on screen (or together for that matter) but they do add a good bit of depth. I really liked their characters. (3 out of 5)
Great performances by the main cast. Great performance by Siegel who makes Maddie is a likable, relatable character. Gallagher does a great job as the masked man. He’s menacing and a douchebag. Not many home invasion movies are able to give a memorable villain but Gallagher deserves a major thumbs up for his performance. (4 out of 5)
This is just a great looking movie. The violence is pretty brutal, the camera angles are shot really well, and even the killer’s design is interesting. The house itself is pretty damn memorable. (4 out of 5)
The score is actually pretty good. The Newton Brothers do a great job of building tension with their music. There is the lack of sound that actually make moments very intense. (3 out of 5)
Flanagan does a great job with the direction. The film manages to keep a very tense atmosphere, especially considering Maddie’s inability to hear. But it’s also her ability as a writer that establishes a lot of interesting scenes that viewers often question. Why she couldn’t run or why she doesn’t hide, how she sees potential scenarios just adds a great deal of intrigue and also alleviates the tired home invasion troupes. (4 out of 5)
In the end, Hush is not only a really good movie but a great psychological thriller. As a home invasion plot it’s original, with great directing, great performances, tense atmosphere, and an interesting story give Hush 4 out of 5.
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