Mothership Zeta | NarikChase Review

Mothership Zeta is the fifth dlc of the Fallout 3 add-ons.

The story of Mothership Zeta follows the Lone Wanderer who is drawn to a radio signal emitted from a UFO crash site.  Soon after gets abducted by Zetans, aliens who’ve made their appearances throughout the Fallout games but never really taken front and center.  Upon this space cruiser, the main protagonist attempts to escape along with a few human survivors.  But the path back to the Capital Wasteland isn’t going to be easy.  The Zetans have brought some otherworldly technological horrors with them.

I was worried that the ship wouldn’t be big enough but holy crap was I wrong.  The ship is actually pretty damn big and will have players going through the different levels with aliens challenging them every step of the way.  The ship itself is decent but lacks the full accessibility that it could’ve potentially had.  It’s a different setting, no open world to explore, just confined hallways and rooms.  It looks awesome and is definitely a different look than that of the dreary look of the wasteland.  The sci fi vibe is actually pretty damn cool and reminiscent of the 50s, so that was really appreciated.  Even the moments where players are outside the ship, looks awesome. The interior of the ship actually looks great with a lot detail and variation.

There are some audio recordings found around the ship that actually helps make exploration worth it.  Recordings of course provide interesting tidbits to the story.  Weapons are all cool and sci fi though they are not as impressive as they could’ve been.  If you’re looking for awesome laser gatling gun that spits out space mines, you’ll not find them here.  This is another aspect of the add-on that could’ve been more creative.  The alien guns should’ve been stupid crazy.

The add-on does introduce the Zetans and it does it really well.  The alien designs look cool and of course there are several variations.  Along with the Zetans there are robotic drones and turrets to take on as well as the alien-human hybrids who are a bitch to fight.  They’re strong and durable and easily the biggest threat of the game.  But this is where the fun kind of ends.  You’d expect more alien types or potentially aliens captured from other worlds or even different alien hybrids.

Unfortunately, the game is quite repetitive.  While you’re journeying through the ship, players will have to fight wave after wave after wave of aliens and it does get pretty damn repetitive.  There are moments that alleviate the repetitiveness, and they’re enjoyable, but they are far and few between.

The Verdict:  In the end, Mothership Zeta could’ve been more creative with its execution but it’s still a solid gaming experience.  A little light on the story there’s plenty of action for those itching for a firefight.  Mothership Zeta is definitely worth the purchase.


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