The time of the villainess is finally in. Women have been gaining steam in the video game world not only as heroes but also as villains. I’m happy to say that this post is dedicated to those awesome women who just bring hell like no other.
(1) Myrrah (Gears of War series)

Gears of War has a lot of really good characters but none as influential as Myrrah. Myrrah is Queen of the Locust Horde and the main antagonist of the series. Her goal is to save her “people” from the Lambent epidemic occurring underground by destroying humanity and dominating the surface. Myrrah is smart, ruthless, and utterly devoted to the Locust cause who’s responsible for the deaths of possibly billions.
(2) Queen of Ice (Enchanted Arms)

The main antagonist of the game she’s a Devil Golem who’s on the warpath and has little regard for human life. Exceptionally strong (with several hundred times the Ether capacity and power of an average Golem) her elemental is ice, which she can use to devastating affect. The first thing she does when she’s awakened is freeze the entire city. She’s known as the Ice Witch, a name she has no problem living up to.
(3) Kronika (Mortal Kombat 11).

Time travel isn’t anything new in video games but Kronika easily takes the spot as one of the strongest. She’s an exceptionally powerful entity that’s the Keeper of Time, Architect of the Destiny of the Universe and mother of Shinnok, the Elder God of Death and Darkness, and Cetrion, the Elder God of Life and Light whose got a bone to pick with Raiden for messing up the timeline. Maybe not as memorable as Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn, she’s still one of the better new introductions. Not to mention she’s got the most piercing eyes.
(4) Bloody Mary (The Wolf Among Us)

The Wolf Among Us has given us some interesting interpretations of fairy tale characters and honestly, of all the villains Bloody Mary is the most prominent. Working as the right hand of the Crooked Man, Mary is completely sadistic and one of the few characters to actually pose a physical threat to Bigby. It’s no wonder why it’s deadly to say her name three times in the mirror.
(5) Harley Quinn (Arkham Series)

Much like her Puddin’ Harley Quinn is a major thorn in Batman’s side in the Arkham series. Silly, sexy, and clearly unstable, Harley is nonetheless one of the most prominent villains in the series, especially when it comes to following the Joker’s overall goal of tormenting the Dark Knight and bringing chaos to the scene. Despite easily getting her ass kicked she’s still pretty dangerous, especially when she creates hostage situations.
(6) Alma Wade (F.E.A.R. series)

If there were ever a tragic villain on this list, it would be Alma. A young girl with psychic powers, she was subjected to horrible experiments (being put into a coma and impregnated with cloned embryos) by scientists who wanted to exploit her powers. So when she lashes out dropping the world into a shit ton of unholy hell, it’s perfectly understandable why. Some of her most horrendous acts involve melting people to the bone.
(7) Mileena (Mortal Kombat series)

Mileena is a clone of Kitana, created by Shang Tsung’s sorcery for Shao Kahn, using Tarkatan blood, and Edenian physiology. If Mileena’s large fangs didn’t turn you off, then her nasty personality will. She’s totally devoted to Shao Kahn but has aspirations of her own to rule. Strong, fast, and vicious, she’s quite deadly in combat.
(8) Faith Seed (Far Cry 5)

Sister of the Seed brothers and the youngest sibling serving as a “voice” for the cult and controls Henbane River. Whereas her brothers use violence and coercion to spread their message, Faith uses influence and mind control. Faith is the kind of villain that’s hard to deal with because she’s not violent, brutal, or harsh. She’s soft, sweet, and non-aggressive which makes her easy to underestimate. And honestly, her voice and apparent optimism is kind of creepy.
(9) Tira (Soulcalibur)

Tira is a loyal servant of the evil sword, Soul Edge who’s as viscous and ruthless as her master. She’s sadistic with a twisted since of humor and have no qualms of killing others. As a result of her upbringing and the trauma she’s experienced she’s developed two split personalities, Jolly and Gloomy.
(10) Widowmaker (Overwatch)

Of all the characters in Overwatch, Widowmaker definitely stuck out to me as badass and efficient. She’s an assassin who’s been programmed by Talon to be the best and most efficient. Her skills with a sniper rifle is unparalleled and her dedication to the kill is without question, showing no emotion or remorse.
Thanks for checking out the post and in the comment section below let us know who your favorite video game villains are.
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