There have been a host of games focused on the martial arts adventure series that is DragonBall Z. So when it was announced that there would be a new one, naturally fans of the series were excited. DragonBall Z: Kakarot, formerly known as DragonBall Project Z was announced at the Xbox E3 2019 press conference.

DragonBall Z: Kakarot will retell the DragonBall narrative from the series’ lead character Goku (Kakarot is his Saiyan name), a member of the alien warrior race the Saiyans. Now this story has been told and retold numerous times but how does Kakarot differentiate itself from the masses.
But let’s talk about the combat system which features everything we’ve seen in the series. Explosive melee combos, destructive ki blasts, high speed dashes; everything we’ve come to expect from these games have been raised to level ten. And that’s just the surface of it.
The game features a larger, more interactive world than previous installments, allowing players to control Goku and dive into the DragonBall world. The game features large open areas where players can explore through flight, engage in conversation with other characters (some new and reoccurring), start side quests and challenges, search for Z orbs to use to purchase new moves.

The game will be published by Bandai Namco and developed by CyberConnect2, the company who’s developed most of the Naruto video game series as well as the awesome Asura’s Wrath. Fans of the franchise will be happy to know that the series’ creator Akira Toriyama is also involved. DragonBall: Kakarot will be released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2020.
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