Aliens | NarikChase Review

Aliens is a 1986 science fiction horror action film directed by James Cameron, starring Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, Carrie Henn, Paul Reiser, Lance Henriksen, Bill Paxton, Jenette Goldstein, William Hope, and Al Matthews. The follows Ellen Ripley (Weaver) as she returns to the moon where her crew encountered the hostile Alien creature, this time accompanied by a unit of space marines.

First, I’d like to say the story has some great pacing. The movie starts slow, giving us a chance to learn about the characters and when the shit hits the fan the movie just takes off. Nearly every aspect of the second and third act is driving by a growing tension that keeps the story gripping. But the movie does give us time to learn more about the characters. Ripley’s given a pretty significant arc, with the relationship between her and Newt one of the driving forces, and most intimate relationship.

Second, Ridley Scott’s masterpiece of a first film introduced the xenomorph but left so many questions unanswered. I’m glad to say that not only does this movie address some of them but also expands on the mythology. We learn that the creatures are hive minded under the leadership of a queen. We learn more about their reproductive cycles. We even learn that they aren’t just beastly and are pretty intelligent.

The story just has a lot to it. It’s got an interesting twist, subplots, touches on themes of corporate greed. It’s got humor, a great balance of action and horror and a really good final act. (4 out of 5)

Hands down the characters are just great. Ripley has evolved, become a stronger person, while still dealing with the results of her trauma of facing the xenomorph in the first film and the results of her 57 year hypersleep. She’s great incorporating the best elements of a good, strong character. She’s got depth of character, smart and resourceful but compassionate and vulnerable.

The marines are awesome and kind of remind me of the black op guys from the first Predator movie. I love their banter, I love their personalities. Admittedly, some do stand out more than others. Favorites are Hudson, Hicks, Vasquez, and Apone. Vasquez is awesome cause she’s got attitude and she’s straight up badass. Hudson brings the charm and the humor. These two literally have some of the best lines and moments. (4 out of 5)

If you enjoy a great cast, this movie has it. Sigourney Weaver (Ripley) leads the charge with perhaps her most memorable performance of all time. She’s great and I really enjoy the chemistry she has with the other main and supporting cast members which includes Michael Biehn (Hicks), Paul Reiser (Burke), Lance Henriksen (Bishop), Carrie Henn (Newt), William Hope (Gorman), and Al Matthews (Apone). Paxton is just fantastic and brings the humor with a cocky, yet charming Hudson. I really enjoyed Jenette Goldstein’s performance as Vasquez, who along with Weaver, are proof that you can play strong female characters without all the SJW bullshit. (5 out of 5)

One of the best aspects of the film is the masterful use of the practical effects. The xenomorph designs are altered from the one in the first movie having more bone-like ridges across their heads as well as a darker hue which, coupled with the great body suits, makes them look quite terrifying. Not only do the body suits and prosthetics but the movement and animatronics are handled just as well. The mechanics behind the Alien Queen are fantastic for its time and still hold up to today’s standards. It’s a testament to how practical can be more effective than CGI. The weapons looked really cool. A lot of science fiction films have the bad habit of trying to make cool looking weapons and not just weapons that competent (yes, I’m talking about you Doom).

There are some CGI bits of the space ships and yeah they’re dated but the scenes are far and few between so it’s not a bother. Also, the marine’s combat gear could’ve looked better. Honestly, this is far into the future where humans are traveling through space, you’d think the military outfits would look more secure and protective. Hudson runs around the entire movie with his helmet unfastened. Despite this, the special effects are brilliant. (5 out of 5)

The music, done by James Horner, is what I’d like to say, a masterpiece. It’s deep, it’s suspenseful, it’s action packed, it’s dark. The suspenseful themes are mixed with the more militaristic ones. There are moments where there’s no music and it leaves the film isolated and dark helping to amp the suspense. (5 out of 5)

Cameron is an artist who’s transformed his project into a film that’s not only a worthy sequel but surpasses its predecessor. His handling of the storytelling, the editing, the characters, the pacing and the dialogue is nothing short of brilliant. I was surprised at how many films and television he’s had his hand in and it shows. He’s done some great work over the years directing some of my favorite movies including The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and True Lies. Despite the horror aspects, this is still an action flick with action that’s handled well. There’s plenty of explosions and gunfire but it’s obscure enough to keep it chaotic yet intense.

James Cameron’s creation has some of the most important and badass scenes in the entire franchise. The execution of the final reveal of the Queen is handled masterfully. A slow pan of the creature from tail to head. The lack of music. The tense atmosphere of certain death. Ripley’s fight with the Queen is done well with a great use of the practical effects and mechanics. Newt and Ripley against the facehuggers is a very tense moment with the two having no help, having to be resourceful. Scenes like this make this movie not only memorable but rewatchable. (4 out of 5)

In the end, Aliens is definitely a film of its time and still til this day one of the best science fiction films of all time. It definitely takes what was great about the first movie and cranks it to the next level without feeling over-the-top or ridiculous. What few gripes about the movie are easily pushed aside from the movie’s great cast and performances, characters, use of special effects, strong soundtrack, action, story, memorable lines, and direction. Aliens gets 5 out of 5.


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