Kubo and the Two Strings is a 2016 3D stop-motion fantasy action-adventure film directed by Travis Knight, starring Charlize Theron, Art Parkinson, Ralph Fiennes, Rooney Mara, George Takei, and Matthew McConaughey. The plot revolves around Kubo, who has magical powers, who is accompanied by Monkey and Beetle, he must subdue the Sisters, Raiden the Moon King and his army of evil spirits.
- Good visuals
- Great voice performances
- Good music
- Great characters
- Compelling story
- n/a
Plot: The story starts off with Kubo taking care of his ill mother, Sariatu. She warns him not to say out after dark, as her Sisters and his grandfather, the Moon King, will be able to find him and take his remaining eye. However, one night he forgets to return before sunset and Sariatu’s Sisters, Karasu and Washi, attack him but he escapes after Sariatu sacrifices herself. Kubo then sets off on a magical journey to track down his father’s armor aided by Monkey, his little wooden snow monkey charm that came to life, and Beetle, an amnesiac samurai cursed to take the form of a Japanese rhinoceros beetle/human hybrid. The plot is really good and Kubo’s tale makes for a very emotional journey. The story is slow but compelling however it doesn’t quite feel epic. Sure this is a personal journey for Kubo and his life is on the line but for as epic a quest that he takes there isn’t a feeling like that there is more at stake. (3 out of 5)
Characters: Kubo (Parkinson) is the main protagonist and a likable character. He’s smart yet inquisitive. Monkey (Theron) is Kubo’s protector, and although initially distant shows herself to be a caring and compassionate. Beetle (McConaughey) is a pretty cool character and does provide the bulk of comedy. Pretty cool how monkey and Beetle play off each other’s personalities, one serious and one more laid back but dedicated to protecting Kubo. The Sisters, Karasu and Washi (Mara as both) are actually pretty cool antagonists and do have plenty of presence. They’re some of the best and creepiest antagonists in an animated movie. The Moon King (Fiennes) was alright and is pretty menacing character but doesn’t really stand out as much as it seems he could. The Sisters were a bit more memorable. (4 out of 5)
Cast: Thumbs up to the talented cast and the great voice performances that they provide. The cast includes Charlize Theron (Monkey/Sariatu), Art Parkinson (Kubo), Ralphie Fiennes (Raiden the Moon King), Rooney Mara (Karasu and Washi), George Takei (Hosato), Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa (Hashi), and Matthew McConaughey (Beetle/Hanzo). (4 out of 5)
Visuals: The visual effects are really impressive. The blending of CGI as well as stop motion is done flawlessly and to the creators a big thumbs up. The setting and scenery are beautiful and definitely deserve praise. The character model designs look good, personal favorites are Monkey and The Sisters (which were freakin’ creepy). There is some really good cinematography, especially with the wideshots and the action sequences. (5 out of 5)
Score: Dario Marianelli does a fantastic job with the soundtrack. Again, great voice performances by the cast. And as far as the sound effects are concerned they are on point. (5 out of 5)
Writing: Thumbs up to Travis Knight for creating such a beautiful film. The story is really compelling but it has great moments focused on just the characters. It does have some slow moments but again the interesting characters keep it engaging. The action sequences are choreographed really well, with lots of intensity. Even the humor is distributed in a productive way. Dialogue is good, especially with the humor and more dramatic moments. (3 out of 5)
The Verdict: In the end, Kubo and the Two Strings is a great film and definitely deserves a viewing. Didn’t really have any problems with the film. Aside from the great voice performances, the film excels with its score, great animation, compelling story, good story, and good direction. Kubo and the Two Strings gets 4 out of 5.
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