Getting back into the groove of card games, I’ve decided to upload my deck recipes. This time around I’ve decided to upload an electric Pokémon Deck. I always build my decks in specific orders and with only 60 cards.
Pokémon Cards = 23 Cards
- Mareep x4
- Flaffy x3
- Ampharos x2
- Eevee x3
- Jolteon x2
- Toxel x3
- Toxtricity x2
- Zangoose x4
Supporting Cards = 12 Cards
- Team Flare Grunt x2
- Bill x2
- Energy Removal x2
- Rocket’s Sneak Attack
- Lysandre’s Trump Card
- Rare Candy x3
- Energy Retrieval
Energy Cards = 25 Cards
- Electric Energy Cards x25
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