Now the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers franchise is one of the longest-running franchises in television history. There have been so many seasons that have touched so many viewers across the world that it is an affront to say that it has not actually influenced media. The first Power Rangers movie, the 1995 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, was a good attempt but it failed in many ways. It did bring some of the cheesy humor from the television show but the story could have been a little bit better as well as CGI which was pretty crappy. The second movie, the 1997 Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, felt more like an extended episode. Fans have been dying for a new Power Rangers reboot and we honestly can’t blame them.
Power Rangers is a very good franchise, it has really good characters, a really good story, really good fights, and an all-round entertaining series. So when it was announced that a reboot was in the making the world went into a frenzy. The trailer for The Power Rangers reboot came on a couple of months ago and there was a bit of a mixed reaction by fans. This story seems to actually focus on the characters lives which is a little bit different from the other movies. Another aspect that was pronounced is the fact that the characters have powers outside of wearing their armor. Also, there seems to be a very different origin story for how these characters get their powers. We were impressed with the trailer after probably the second sit through. The darker tone which does fit into the modern day cinema is appealing. Also, we were very much impressed with the look of Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa and we hope that her character has depth as well as personality.
We did like the new armored uniforms. It has that certain look that the Power Rangers uniforms have but has a technological as well as armored element to it. Basically Power Rangers meets Iron Man. So hopefully the outfit’s pay homage to the original source material as well as bringing in a new era for the Power Rangers. Now two factors that weren’t really introduced in the trailer are the dramatic elements when it comes to the characters lives such as school life. Hopefully it doesn’t focus on that too much and isn’t too cheesy. As well as possibly the Zords considering the challenge they will have presenting the Zords in a modern movie. So even though we don’t have that much content to go from, we do have high hopes for the film. The modernization is a good step for bringing these older franchises to a newer and younger audience.
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2017 Reboot

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