Freak Force #1 | NarikChase Review

Title: Freak Force, Issue #1

Release Date: 1993

Creator-Script by: Erik Larsen

Plots-Storytelling by: Keith Giffen

Pencils by: Victor Bridges

Inks by: Karl Story

Letters by: Chris Eliopoulos

Colors by: Gloria Vasquez

Issue #1 begins with a young woman named Phyllis who arrives at her apartment and rants about the team of superheroes called the Freak Force, consisting of Mighty Man, Dart, Horridus, Barbaric, Rapture, Ricochet, and Superpatriot, who are set up in her home while failing to keep a low profile. Hilarious how Barbaric is just sitting on the fire escape.  Horridus watching what appears to be porn is another hilarious scene as she thought it was a science fiction movie.  Phyllis does have her reservations and rightfully so. They decide to collect a bounty to gain some money for a new headquarters.  An eco-terrorist by the name of Major Disaster is attacking a chemical facility when the Freak Force attack.  After an extensive battle the group manage to subdue the villain though Dart criticizes the group for their lack of teamwork and coordination.  Later on, Phyllis arrives at the groups new headquarters.  The issue ends with Phyllis and Mighty Man making plans on how to go about decorating it.

The Verdict: In the end, Issue #1 is a decent introduction though he doesn’t really bring anything new to the table.  We have an interesting cast of characters and hopefully they get more in-depth and a little less troupe.  The story was definitely a little rushed although the fight with Major Disaster was actually pretty cool and does establish what potential villains they may go against. All-in-all it is a bit generic but does have room for improvement.  Freak Force, Issue #1 gets 3 out of 5.


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