Coming at you guys with another list and this time we’re focusing on characters who’s names start with the letter A.
1) Athena

Athena is a “Gladiator” class character and a former Lance operative. One of the most badass characters in the Borderlands series, she’s strong, capable, and fierce to the point that even Handsome Jack even fears her.
Also featured in:
2) Amanda Ripley

Like her mother, Amanda has faced the terrifying threat known as the xenomorph and lived to tell the tale. Determined and resourceful, Amanda manages to both be like her mother while also establishing her own identity.
Also featured in:
3) Alma Wade

Alma’s tale is as sad as it’s terrifying. A powerful psychic in her youth, numerous experimentation and her death have transformed a little girl into quite a powerful ghost of vengeance. She taunts players appearing just out of view and leaving bodies with her signature killing technique: steaming bones in a puddle of melted flesh.
Also featured in:
4) Alex Mercer

A force to be reckon with Alex tears through his enemies with no remorse, burning only with the desire to know the truth. He has a crap ton of abilities at his disposal including super strength, shapeshifting, and regeneration through absorbing biomass.
Also featured in:
5) Albert Wesker

One of the best villains in video game history, Wesker is power-hungry, calculating and manipulative. He’s possibly the most ruthless character in the franchise being directly behind or related to most of the happenings in the series. Besides, next to Sephiroth, no other character wears black better.
Also featured in:
6) Augustus “Cole Train” Cole

You cannot have Gears of War without the Cole Train. You need the hype man on your team when going into battle and Cole treats the war like his own Thrashball game.
Also featured in:
7) Akuma

Had to add the beast of the Street Fighter universe. Akuma is a powerful warrior fixated on mastering the deadly Satsui no Hado. If there’s a powerhouse in the games, it’s Akuma.
Also featured in:
8) Ada Wong

Whether Ada’s a super spy or a just a sexy saboteur, she has made quite a name for herself in the second Resident Evil. It’s not just her cat-and-mouse relationship with Leon S. Kennedy, but she’s incredibly smart, highly skilled, and a complete fatale. She’s like the Catwoman of Resident Evil.
Also featured in:
9) Aerith Gainsborough

If Tifa is the ying of the cast then Aerith is the yang. There are a lot of reasons to like her. She’s fun, caring, daring, truthful, and hopeful. The last of the Cetra she has powerful magical capabilities.
Also featured in:
10) Anya Stroud

One of the most loyal, determined, and intelligent members of the COG, Anya’s been helping Delta Squad from the start every step of the way. And it’s in Gears of War 3 we get to see her kick some major Locust tail.
Thanks for checking out our post and in the comment section below let us know if you agree with our list.
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