Hemlock Grove is a 2013 Netflix supernatural horror thriller television series created by Brian McGreevy, starring Famke Janssen, Bill Skarsgard, Landon Liboiron and Penelope Mitchell. Based on the novel of the same name, the show examines the strange happenings in the fictional town of Hemlock Grove and the relationship between Roman Godfrey (Skarsgard), heir to the town’s wealthy Godfrey family, befriends the town’s newcomer, Peter Rumancek (Liboiron).
Season 1
Two teenage girls are brutally killed and their bodies left for unsuspecting people to find the next day. Peter Rumancek (Landon Liboiron) a 17-year-old Romani boy, is suspected of the crimes by some of the townsfolk; he is also rumored to be a werewolf. Secretly he is a werewolf, and, along with the heir to the Godfrey estate, the troubled Roman Godfrey (Bill Skarsgård), he sets out to solve the mystery.
Season 2
A cult has arisen that is bent on destroying the supernatural creatures in Hemlock Grove by any means necessary. To make matters worse, both Peter (Landon Liboiron) and Roman (Bill Skarsgård) struggle with their nature, as Peter risks becoming the same killer from the first season and Roman, after his full immersion with his true nature in the first season, has developed an insatiable hunger to kill. As they fight their enemies and deal with their situations, they must also deal with the monsters they are becoming, or have already become.
Season 3
Roman Godfrey (Bill Skarsgård) and Peter Rumancek (Landon Liboiron) are still reeling from their encounter with the deceptively pleasant Dr. Spivak (JC MacKenzie), who revealed his true form and kidnapped Miranda (Madeline Brewer) and baby Nadia in the Season 2 finale. As the duo continue the hunt, Roman’s sister Shelley (Madeleine Martin) struggles to find her place in the world after being denied a peaceful death, while his mother Olivia (Famke Janssen) remains hellbent on clinging to life by any means necessary. Caught in the middle of these conflicts is Dr. Pryce (Joel de la Fuente), who is racing against the clock to unlock the secrets of “the Spivak creature” and crawl his way out from under Olivia’s thumb.
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