Force Works #1 – Daybreak | NarikChase Review

Issue #1 begins with a Kree fleet ship called Retribution as they patiently await for two unknown beings on planet Earth while being documented by a being known as a Recorder. Like how he’s just standing in the middle of everything without a care in the world. On Earth, Iron Man and Wonder Man arrive at the Avengers West Compound where they meet up with U.S. Agent, Scarlet Witch and Spider-Woman. Of course, Scarlet Witch and Spider-Woman look sexy as hell. Iron Man offers them membership with the new Avengers West. The group arrive at the new Avengers headquarters dubbed The Works, formerly an R&D Facility for Stark Industries. The four agree and the Avengers West is established.

Iron Man leaves to inform the East Coast Avengers of their status while Scarlet Witch and Wonder Man head back to the compound where they encounter Black Widow and Vision. However, the four are attacked by Kree forces who are after Wonder Man and Vision and all hell breaks loose. In orbit, the ship Retribution fires an Ion Cannon that impairs the abilities of of both Vision and Wonder Man. Black Widow is wounded but U.S. Agent and Spider-Woman enter the battle. U.S. Agent came in there like Linc Hayes from The Mod Squad (Eddie Murphy reference).

Wonder Man takes off towards the Kree ship to disable the cannon. Scarlet Witch unleashes a powerful attack that causing an explosion that kills many of the Kree. However, a new being stands before the group who is revealed to be a being called Century.  Iron Man joins the battle and with the aid of Century the Avengers turn the tide of the battle, defeating the Kree army. Back on the vessel Wonder Man has neutralized the ship along with its crew. Hilarious how the Recorder is just following him around stating the obvious.

Suddenly a group of pod-like objects appear damaging the ship, prompting Wonder Man to act but get caught in the issuing explosion. The pods crash near the battle grounds and Century reveals them to be aliens known as The Scatter who capture U.S. Agent, Spider-Woman, and Scarlet Witch before disappearing. The issue ends with the rest of the Avengers being informed by the Recorder that Wonder Man is seemingly dead.

The Verdict: In the end, Force Works #1: Daybreak is just beast and a great start up for a grand adventure. Really, the only issue with this issue (no pun intended) is the fact that everything jumps off so fast without really establishing a stable foundation.  What starts off as a hopeful endeavor blows up into an epic battle and introduces the mysterious Century and the Scatter. What will the Avengers do with half of their team mates MIA?  Force Works #1: Daybreak gets 3 out of 5.


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