The Spectacular Spider-Man #248: From the Shadows | NarikChase Review

From the Shadows opens up with John Jameson being questioned by the police after being stopped by Spider-Man while trying to smother his father who is lying in NYU Hospital.  While protesting that he doesn’t remember his mother, Marla Jameson, and their attorney, Alana Sloan, arrive and take him away.  Don’t understand how Marla brought herself to blame Spider-Man. First, she oughtta be happy because Spider-Man saved his life and second, if Spider-Man wanted to kill Jonah he easily could have.

Spider-Man is in the rain having played guardian angel to the Jamesons and it is probably for the better as he is once again railroaded.  Jonah is being questioned by Sgt. Stark but of course the big douchebag is blaming everything on Spider-Man.  It’s impossible for someone to hate someone else that much, right?  Glad the good ole sergeant didn’t believe him.   While trying to sleep, he is visited by good ole Jack O’Lantern who definitely puts the fear in him.  He offers the safety of Jameson’s family in exchange of the Daily Bugle.

Again Marla is spouting the same nonsense about Spider-Man until John steps up.  Ashley insist they try hypnosis to unlock the secrets of John’s subconscious.  Spider-Man is in the rain once again when he is attacked by the incredibly awesome ape-like beast on the front of the cover.  Caeser from Planet of the Apes is aided by Scar.  The two kick Spider-Man’s tail but leave before finishing him off.  Scene switches back to Marla who is taking a shower and I’m glad she is talking herself out of the paranoia she was spitting earlier. Spider-Man just can’t get a break.

Ashley helps John with his mental issues which the presentation does show how messed up his mind really is.  This man has pumpkins and bats in his head.  Spider-Man visits Jameson and is nearly shot by the cops but stopped by Jameson.  The man actually seems broken (garnering some of my sympathy for the first time). In the final scenes we see Jack meeting with his employer who is revealed to be Norman Osborn (figures).

The Verdict:  From the Shadows, is actually a pretty interesting read and Spider-Man gets no slack.  True, it’s light on the action but the psychological elements help give it depth. Can’t wait to see who’s responsible for the hybrid creatures. From the Shadows gets 3 out of 5.


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