Code: Veronica (Resident Evil #6) is a 2001 horror novel written by S. D. Perry, published by Pocket Books. Serving as the sixth installment in the Resident Evil book series as well as the novelization of Code: Veronica, the story follows Claire Redfield who searches for her brother Chris, who gets kidnapped and sent to Rockfort Island, where a mad scientist has unleashed the T-virus.
- Good characters
- Good writing
- Good suspense
- Interesting antagonist
- Good pacing
- Flat antagonists
- Typical Resident Evil formula
Plot: While trying to find her brother, Chris, Claire Redfield is kidnapped and taken to a small island controlled by Umbrella. However, a viral outbreak has turned the inhabitants into zombies and other nightmarish creatures. There, she teams up with a prison escapee, Steve Burnside. With his help she gets a message out to Chris, in which he departs to find her. These actions have the Chris coming into conflict with his former nemesis, Alex Wesker. The story goes at a pretty good pace, filled with the typical Resident Evil troupes. There is an interesting twist when it comes to the Ashford siblings. The climax was a bit rushed but it does come to a satisfying conclusion. (3 out of 5)
Characters: The characters are pretty solid bringing back some of the older while introducing some new ones. Claire is on a mission to find her brother, when she is kidnapped and sent to a small island where she meets an inmate escapee, Steve, who has a twisted backstory with Umbrella also. The dynamic between these two is clever as they have to depend on each other yet they don’t trust each other. Claire definitely shows a lot of strength but it is well balanced by the Steve. Their relationship is reminiscent of her relationship with Leon in City of the Dead which has a great developing arc. The story does shift focus to Claire’s brother, Chris, who discovers her location and immediately heads off to find her. Chris has racked up some experience and boy does he show it. It is great to finally see these two siblings together. The book features three main antagonists. First, there is the mad scientist Alfred Ashford who is mentally unstable and has this weird obsession with his sister Alexia. The second, Albert Wesker, who makes a return from the dead only to appear with his own agenda, which mostly seems to be hassling Chris and Claire. Then, the final is the reclusive Alexia who damn near becomes this unstoppable. All of them have their own personalities and motivations that make them stand out from one another, though Alfred is somewhat the Resident Evil troupe. (4 out of 5)
Writing: There are several elements of the writing that can be appreciated. First, S. D. Perry’s approach to adapting this novel from the game is done well. It captures the tension and atmosphere of the game. The characters have presence and don’t feel as flat as they appear in the video game. The action sequences have a clear enough description that make them feel grounded. (3 out of 5)
The Verdict: In the end, Code: Veronica (Resident Evil #6) is a really good read, and fans of not only the Resident Evil series, but of zombies novels will appreciate it. Although it does have the same Resident Evil formula as previous installments and the antagonists are cliche, the book has good writing, an suspenseful atmosphere, and awesome characters. Code: Veronica (Resident Evil #6) gets 3 out of 5.
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