One Piece Volume 2 | NarikChase Review

Title: One Piece Vol.2

Story and Art by: Eiichiro Oda

Chapters 9 – 17

Volume 2 starts off introducing Nami the Pirate Robber and Pirate Captain Buggy the Clown who is searching for Nami who stole his map to the Grand Line.  Luffy ask Nami to join his crew but after finding out he’s a pirate she refuses.  She betrays him to Buggy offering him his map back though she plans on stealing both the map and Buggy’s treasure. To prove her loyalty Buggy task her with killing Luffy though she cannot bring herself to kill him. She attacks the pirates but is quickly overwhelmed trying to save Luffy.  Before she is killed Zolo appears like a boss, handling em like only Zolo can.

Buggy steps up confronting Zolo and easily cuts him to pieces, but is stabbed by Buggy.  The three realize that Buggy’s Devil Fruit power makes him immune to slashing, cutting and cleaving attacks; any such attack just separates him into his component parts allowing him to control them independently of each other and reform at will. He attacks Zolo but Zolo turns the tables by turning Buggy’s cannon on him and blasting the douchebags to hell.  Despite this, Buggy and crew survive (don’t understand how because that cannon went off like a mini nuke). Buggy calls in his first mate, Mohji the Lion Tamer (wearing a furry costume which I later learned is his hair) and his pet lion Richie.

Zolo is faints from blood loss while carrying Luffy’s cage in attempt to escape. Nami gives the two the key to the cage but it is swallowed by a nearby dog named Chouchou.  The Mayor of Port Town named Boodle arrives and helps Zolo in recovery.  Mohji arrives and Richie attacks Luffy, unintentionally freeing him.  Chouchou stands up to Richie but it gets its butt handed to him (and probably should’ve died).  We get some good exposition on the dog and Chouchou’s determination inspires Luffy who buries Richie with his Gum Gum Gavel attack that plants him headfirst in the ground.  He also knocks the hell out of Mohji.

Buggy decides it’s a great idea to blow the town to hell but Mohji attempts to warn him of Luffy’s abilities.  His facial expressions are freakin hilarious.  It’s funny as hell that Buggy destroys a building that Zolo is sleeping in and he comes out unaffected.  Boodle takes it upon himself to take the fight to Buggy and his crew.  Buggy nearly kills him, but he is saved when Luffy, Zolo, and Nami.  Buggy fires off a Buggy Ball at our good guys but Luffy inflates himself with his Gum Gum Balloon attack and fires the cannon ball back incapacitating most of Buggy’s crew.

Buggy’s second mate Cabaji the Acrobat engages in battle with Zolo and the fight is pretty intense and interesting with Cabaji taking advantage of Zolo’s injury.  Despite his attempts, Zolo takes Cabaji out with his Oni Giri attack.  Luffy then steps up to take on Buggy who accepts the challenge.

The Verdict:  In the end, One Piece Vol.2 is awesome and a great introduction to one of the best antagonists, Buggy the Clown.  There are some pretty moving moments when it comes to the characters of Nami, Boodle, and Chouchou.  How will the fight go between Luffy and Buggy? One Piece Vol.2 gets 4 out of 5.


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