Yu-Gi-Oh! Duels Monsters follows the various battles of a high school freshman named Yugi Muto and his friends through a card game known as Duel Monsters. This list is the countdown of our personal favorite ten duelist in the series.
10. Maximillion Pegasus
Deck: Toon/Eyes
Main card: Thousand-Eyes Restrict
9. Strings
Deck: Slime
Main Card: Slifer the Sky Dragon
8. Yami Marik Ishtar (anime)/ Dark Marik Ishtar (manga)
Deck: Torture and pain theme
Main card: The Winged Dragon of Ra
7. Yami Bakura (anime)/ Dark Bakura (manga)
Deck: Occult
Main card: Destiny Board
6. Ishizu Ishtar
Deck: Past Pains
Main card: Gravekeeper Oracle
5. Joey Wheeler (anime)/ Katsuya Jonouchi (manga)
Deck: Warriors
Main card: Red-Eyes Black Dragon
4. Marik Ishtar
Deck: Immortality/Torture
Main Card: The Winged Dragon of Ra
3. Seto Kaiba
Deck: Beatdown
Main card: Blue-Eyes White Dragon
2. Mai Valentine (anime)/Mai Kujaku (manga)
Deck: Harpy/Amazoness
Main card: Harpy Ladies
1. Yami Yugi (anime)/ Dark Yugi (manga)/ The Pharaoh
Deck: Earth/Dark Attributes
Main card: Dark Magician
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