About Me

Who is Narik Chase?

Narik is an entrepreneur who’s building the NarikChase brand and founder of Narik Chase Studios to develop a multi-media platform.

What is the purpose of the website?

Narikchase.com is a website dedicated to creating reviews, top ten lists, news, and commentary from all media – ranging from movies to books to video games to tv shows and even more. Anyone who loves commentary on entertainment is definitely welcomed to join.

What is Narik currently doing?

Narik is working on several projects including YouTube videos, writing and recording music, building the NarikChase.com website, and in the process of working on a series of novels.

What is Narik passionate about?

Narik loves discussing pop culture but he loves writing and reading even more.

What does Narik consider some of his biggest accomplishments?

Narik’s biggest accomplishments is the moment he decided to build a business for himself, both utilizing his YouTube channel and his website.

What is Narik looking for right now?

Narik’s interested in working with others to help contribute to the website and business model.  For those interested, be sure to submit your information below.

Join our links:

Paypal: Narik Chase / Paypal

YouTube Channel: Narik Chase – YouTube

Instagram: Narik Chase (@narikchase)

Twitter: Narik Chase (@narikchase) / Twitter

Facebook Fan Page: Narik Chase | Facebook

Tumblr: Narik Chase / Tumblr

SoundCloud: Narik Chase / SoundCloud

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