Witch Buster Volume 2 | NarikChase Review

Written by: Jung-Man Cho

Volume 2 begins with the aftermath of Varete and East’s battle in which completely destroys Mountainville.  Meanwhile Tasha, Xing, and Tarras are traveling together when they check in into the Abbol Inn when Tasha’s luggage is stolen. He finds the young thief and after an extensive chase corners her revealing himself as a Witch Hunter and learns her name is Monica and that she can see the life threads of others.  Xing and Tarras overhear that there is a witch present in the area and the two decide to investigate.

Tarras utilizes his Earth Scan technique (which sends a massive ripple effect to scan and analyze anything within five kilometers as long as it’s touching the ground).  He immediately picks up on Tasha and Halloween and Monica who he discovers is a witch.  Before the two can act (although the two jackasses were planning to leave Tasha in harms’ way before actually helping him) they are attacked by a mob of mind controlled villagers with a witch manipulating them. Tarras got popped in the head, that was hilarious.  Xing’s nickname, The Flash Fist, is well founded as he rook out all of the villagers in a matter of seconds which Tarras takes the time to attack her but she survives.

Meanwhile, Tasha and Monica are scamming the rich folk when they are attacked by Xing and Tarras.  It is revealed that the witch is controlling the two but doesn’t have total control as it draws a lot of her mana.  Monica is distancing herself from the battle when she is also taken control of and uses one of Halloween’s swords to stab Tasha.  Wounded and near death he is nearly killed when Monica awakens her witch abilities freeing Xing who in turn saves Tasha.  The sequence shifts over to Varete completing mission of retrieving Aria and delivering East’s message to North.

She comes into confrontation with another of North’s crew, the witch of space and time, Neptis.  Interersting how North is so interested in Aria and Tasha.  And what is this agreement with Varete has with North? Back at the battle Xing takes a shot at the witch but has to deal with a still controlled Tarras while Monica heals Tasha.  Monica displays some pretty interesting abilities (which is learning to summon and control ridiculously fast).  They decide to take out her supporter. Volume 2 ends with Tasha summoning this awesome attack opening a dimensional field allowing him to destroy the witch’s supporter.

The Verdict:  In the end, Volume 2 is great.  There is some really good humor between the characters and a little bit more is revealed about the Great Witches East and North.  Xing and Tarras have some good moments, though unfortunately they were mind controlled for most of it.  The new witch Monica is a really cool character and a great addition, though I’m not sure if I like that she lacks offensive spells and that she learned her abilities way to quick.  Very interested in seeing what the agreement was between North and Varete and if this will lead them into confrontation.  Volume 2 gets 3 out of 5.


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