Predator 2 | NarikChase Review

Predator 2 is a 1990 science fiction action film directed by Stephen Hopkins, starring Danny Glover, Bill Paxton, and Gary Busey.  Set as the second installment in the Predator series, the film follows police office Michael Harrigan (Danny Glover) who must stop a fearsome extraterrestrial hunting warring gangs and drug cartels, leaving a string of murders in its wake.


  • Great performances
  • Great characters
  • Great cast
  • Good plot
  • Great use of practical, makeup, and CGI
  • Terrific soundtrack


  • Dated CGI
  • Lackluster characters

Story: The movie was fast paced and opens without the need of buildup. The story’s climax is great, and does leave off on a good note as well as open for a possible sequel.  The story is pretty good although the scientist chasing after the Predator could’ve been either taken out and replaced with something else or did a little bit better. (3 out of 5)

Characters: The film features great performances and a good cast of characters. The characters are likable and they have great chemistry together. Harrigan is tough, he’s aggressive, he’s a badass. Even though he is a hothead he does have good morals. The Predator is just badass.  He’s menacing, he’s deadly, he’s strong. Supporting characters are Danny (Ruben Blades), Leona (Maria Conchita Alonso), and Jerry (Bill Paxton) and they’re just great, although there could’ve been more exposition. (3 out of 5)

Cast: Glover does a great job as Harrigan, he was practically born for the role. Gary Busey does a good job as well.  Other good performances include Ruben Blades, Maria Conchita Alonso, Bill Paxton and Kevin Peter Hall. Hall comes back as the Predator and he does a fantastic job. (4 out of 5)

Visuals: Thumbs up for the improvements when it comes to the CGI compared to Predator although some of the visuals are dated compared to today’s standards.  The predator costume design looks impressive.  The weapons and equipment do look functional. (3 out of 5)

Score: The score is really good. The soundtrack is fast paced during the action and mystical during the slow parts. Actually fits the tribal nature of the Predator. (4 out of 5)

Writing: In terms of the Predator, the film does a great job of giving it a bit more exposition than its predecessor. One of the best highlights to the Predator is the showcase of weaponry, its hunting tactics, and its abilities. One of the biggest problems when it comes to the film is the fact that the film does give much exposition on the characters (no family, other relationships, hobbies) which does take away from audiences caring about them. The best scene and worst scene is the subway train sequence where the Predator is just laying waste to pedestrians left and right.  Honestly one of the best sequences but the flashing lights make it chaotic and hard as hell to see what’s going on.  (3 out of 5)

The Verdict:  In the end, Predator 2 might not be better than its predecessor but it definitely stands on even ground.  Despite the characters not being as fleshed out and some dated visuals, the film features a good story, great performances, good (but dated) visuals, a great soundtrack, and a great cast.  Predator 2 gets 3 out of 5.

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