John H. Watson, known as Dr. Watson, is a fictional character created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Watson is Holmes’ best friend, assistant and flatmate.
This post utilizes our 5-to-1 ranking system, 5 being the best and 1 being the worst. Note: This ranker will be updated accordingly. This list includes film and television, live action and animated.
5-Star Ranker – Best of the Best
4-Star Ranker – Top 10 Worthy
- Jude Law – Sherlock Holmes (2009)
- Martin Freeman – Sherlock (TV Series)
3-Star Ranker – Good Performance
- Lucy Liu – Elementary (TV Series)
2-Star Ranker – Could’ve Been Better
- John C. Reilly – Holmes & Watson (2018)
- John Payne – Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century (TV Series)
1-Star Ranker – Total Trash
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