Force Works #2 – Aftermath | NarikChase Review

Issue #2 picks right up after the events of the first issue. From the moment the issue starts off we’re aware of the tension as Iron Man’s trying to find his companions. I like seeing Iron Man in a situation where he’s out of his element, out of control. It’s something refreshing to the character. Normally, I wouldn’t agree to characters refusing aid in such a situation but honestly I understand Tony’s reasoning and motivations.

I didn’t think much of Century. In fact, I thought he was a pretty lame character. So, a little exposition was appreciated. Don’t get me wrong, I still think he’s lame but the whole amnesia thing’s pretty cool. The Scatter were an interesting idea but i think the issue cut their moment short. It would’ve been nice to see more of their cruelty.

The fight between the Scatter and the West Coast Avengers (U.S. Agent, Spider-Woman, and Scarlett Witch) feels way too short. There’s not enough time or effort to create tension needed to see our heroes through. Especially when Iron Man and Century show up and save their asses. Hell, you don’t even see the other species try to defend themselves against the Scatter.

I thought Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning did a good job with the writing. Nothing much happens though there are some important reveals that make the story interesting. Tom Tenney’s awesome with the art style though the hard designs and heavy detail can be pretty dark. I do think the closeups of Scarlett Witch kind of emphasize her flat face and weak chin. Also, there’s the case of U.S. Agent and his lack of lips. The characters, costumes, and surfaces have this cracked and veiny look.

The Verdict: In the end, Force Works #2: Aftermath is pretty cool and it does shed some light on the situation why opening up another can of worms. I would’ve liked a more indepth battle…or perhaps a slaughter of the species. It does leave off on a pretty good cliffhanger. I can say I liked the contributions by Abnett, Lanning, and Tenney though some of the art is weird. Force Works #2: Aftermath gets 3 out of 5.

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