Ash vs. Evil Dead Season 3, Episode 2 “Booth Three” | NarikChase Review

I’ve always enjoyed Lucy Lawless’ character of Ruby and I like that she’s not pulling punches this time around. Episode Two “Booth Three” starts off with Ruby giving birth to her spawn in a station wagon. It’s nasty and gory with Ruby walking around with a split torso and a baby with a large mouth filled with fangs.

We get to some tension between Dalton and Pablo (as expected). Kelly’s still sexy as hell with a foul mouth that just makes her more sexy. The tension is used to provide a bit more backstory concerning the origins of the Necronomicon and Ruby. Also, more revelations about the nature of Pablo’s “tattoos”.

There’s the obvious awkwardness between Brandy and Ash. And we can see the emotional toll the events of the first episode are having on Brandy. Ash, of course, fails completely. But Brandy’s emotional tormoil opens her up to Ruby who’s actually the student council Btandy’s been talking to who discovers Brandy is Ash’s daughter.

One of the highlights of the episode is Ash’s battle with demonic forces in a sperm bank. Not only is he getting his ass handed to him by a possessed worker but also by a slut magazine (I know right) while “Take On Me” plays in the background. It’s brutal, it’s funny, and it’s quite nasty.

The Verdict: In the end, Episode Two “Booth Three” is an awesome episode. Some of the subplots are coming together concerning Ruby and her baby, Pablo’s future, and Ash’s daughter Brandy. I was really entertained and Episode Two “Booth Three” gets 4 out of 5.


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